Instructions for other topics
- How can I translate the codebook?
- Why are no projects displayed on the Start page?
- How to show / hide the navigation on the project start page
- Dynamic Dashboard Titles: Show drop-down filter choices
- How do I find out the ID of a question or value?
- Can I exclude charts from dropdown filters?
- Why are my values sorted alphabetically?
- Minimal case number limits and warnings
- How do I create filter dropdowns (incl. time series menu or date picker)?
- Dynamic dropdown filters
- How can I insert a text field and what are the functions?
- Pagination (page numbering) for drop-down filters with many entries
- My data cannot be imported - what is the reason?
- Vertical or calculated datasets
- Empty values in Exasol
- Drop-down filter: multiple selection and benchmark
- Performance
- Data - column labels and line breaks
- Peculiarities in Exasol
- Build new variables from timestamps
- Decimal precision display setting
- Where do I define missing values?
- Change Logo link
- Report settings
- Recoding and Calculations
- Weight via the dropdown menu
- Can I hide the site navigation on the left side?
- What should I do if my dashboards aren't displaying correctly?
- SQL Calculations